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阿部 あべ 定番純米 [Black]

阿部 あべ 定番純米 [Black]


以清新感性釀造而成充滿魅力的純米酒。是典型的醇酒類型,將米的旨味發揮到淋漓盡致, 酒體濃厚飽滿, 中後段鮮明的的酸度令整體感覺十分平衡溫潤 餘韻綿長,是想與好友一同舉杯小酌的暖心純米酒。



精米歩合 65%(麹米50%/掛米65%)

酵母 新潟G9酵母


Aroma of steamed rice and a hint of fuji apple, medium+ body, very smooth, well balance of acidity, umami and sweetness, short dry finish, it will match very well with fish and white meat dishes.

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