要冷藏 - Keep refrigerated
Arcturus - 大角星,是牧夫座中最明亮的恆星。以肉眼觀看大角星,它是橘粉紅色的,可想象到阿部Arcturus 氣泡酒也遵循此方向,部分使用古代赤米釀製,令酒體帶上橘粉紅色,同時使用香檳的釀製方法瓶內二次發酵,氣泡柔和細膩,帶有草莓, 櫻桃等紅色水果系列氣味, 入口甘酸濃鬱, 而優雅的氣泡又讓你馬上感受到清新鮮爽的感覺。 此酒少許cloudy, 搖晃後更有著漫天星星在瓶內閃爍的美感
Arcturus is a red giant star in the Northern Hemisphere. Abe Arcturus Sparkling Sake is brewed with ancient red rice to make is also pinky red! Aroma of berries and peach, elegant and refreshing bubble by in-bottle secondary fermentation followed by rich but well balance of sweetness and acidity. Arcturus is slightly cloudy, a lilttle shake will make it feel like many shining stars inside the bottle.