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梅美人 漁師の酒

梅美人 漁師の酒


漁師之酒  - 為八幡濱漁市場特別釀造,非常受當地漁夫和要配搭海鮮料理的市民歡迎,成爲在地非常火紅配的漁師之酒 - 此酒容易飲用,帶果香而且充滿米旨香味,辛口,每喝一口都能讓味蕾重新出發 嘗出每道料理最真摯的味道 - 尤其推薦配合海鮮飲用!




This sake has become a very popular fisherman's sake in the region, as this sake is tailor made for the Yawatahama Fishery Market, it is very popular with local fishermen and citizens who want to pair with seafood dishes.


This sake is easy to drink, fruity, spicy and full of rice flavor. With the vivid dryness of the sake, it refreshes your palette everytime before eating the next dish, highly recommended to drink with seafood!

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