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多賀治 純米 雄町 無濾過火入原酒

多賀治 純米 雄町 無濾過火入原酒


Winner of Kura master competition 


新鮮! 果香 米香 都十分平衡,只進行一次高溫消毒后馬上急冷而且不經過過濾,保存新鮮感 - 中等酒體 餘韻悠長 - 雄町米的特點是奔放刺激,不失優雅,配搭燒烤 烹煮 日本料理都十分適合


多賀治來自有水果之鄉之稱的日本岡山縣的十八盛酒造 - 十八盛酒造創業于1785年 距今已經有超過230年歷史,該酒造只有8名員工,注重質量而不是大量商業製造,而且只是用岡山縣在地酒米和附近的河川泉水 務求帶出在地風格! 多賀治是該酒造新的品牌 同時也是第5代傳人的名字而命名,寓意創新 帶出新派清酒的新鮮風格


Almost identical to its un-pasteurised sibling, this sake was pasteurised just once in-bottle in order to contain the lively nature of its pasteurised counterpart. Slightly more mellow as a result of this proccess , this sake still manages to maintains virtually all of the qualities of its more raw counterpart. However, this time with slightly more balance and an easy drinking freshness.






Named after our 5th generation president, Ishiai Takaji, this sake inherits his ethos of always challenging himself to produce new and innovative sake. Made from only locally cultivated Okayama rice and using fresh clear water from the nearby Takahashi river, the Takaji series is fastidiously brewed to the highest standard.


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