要冷藏 - Keep refrigerated
天狼座之一等星– 14度- 使用香檳釀製方法瓶內二次發酵的氣泡酒, 酒體華麗輕盈, 氣泡細膩美妙, 旨味, 鮮爽的酸度和恰到好處的甜味互相交錯, 此酒少許cloudy, 另酒體多帶一份米飯香之餘清搖晃後更有著猶如雪花在瓶內翩翩起舞的美感.
Sparkling Sake let us enjoy refreshing Umami in the full of fruitiness
The freshness of carbonic acid by in-bottle secondary fermentation method, rich Umami of cloudy part, and pure fruity sweetness is unique to Abe Shuzo match ideally.
You can taste the juicy and refreshing feeling.